

We uses different digital measuring equipment whenever possible and cost effective. The file generated from this digital measuring device can be imported directly into our CAD/CAM software, which provides machine language to our automated CNC Mill and Robo-Saw.

Our CNC Mill is used to produce all undermount sink holes, curve fabrication, and more. Files can also be imported into a CAD system where the images are “finessed,” dimensions are applied, shop drawings are created and printed. Our experienced fabricators are provided these shop drawings, inspection records.





Our many year history of providing seamless service means you can rely on our team of experts to get your custom project done right. We build to your exact specifications, and to our high standards of quality and accuracy.

Once you have all the square feet just add them up and you have the total square foot of the kitchen! It as easy as (length x width)/144! Example 31.9 + 1.8 + 26 = 59.7 total square feet of granite is needed for this kitchen!